In order to conceive, you should have intercourse when you are ovulating. But when is that?

Menstrual Cycle

It is useful to monitor your own menstrual cycle. So you will know when you are fertile. Make a note of the first day of your most recent menstruation. Once the menstrual bleed has stopped, your uterus will start it monthly preparation for a possible pregnancy.  Ovulation will take place approximately 14 days before your next bleed, regardless of the length of your cycle. In case of a longer or shorter cycle, time of ovulation will change accordingly.  If you have a regular cycle of approx. 28 days, ovulation occurs about 2 weeks after the first day of your last period. If your cycle for example is only 24 days, then ovulation will take place around the 10th day of your cycle. The released egg has a life of 24 hours; sperm cells survive between 48 and 72 hours. Should conception not take place during this cycle, your uterus will shed its lining and generate another bleed.


Around the 14th day your body selects an egg which is released for further growth.  This is the time to conceive. Some women experience this moment as painful cramps while others experience a strong urge for sex. If you don’t feel any different, take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. As your body temperature rises by 0.3 degrees following the release of the egg. Just before you start your bleed, your body temperature will drop again.  In this way you can keep a record of your curve. You can also purchase ovulation test kits.

Vaginal Discharge

Normally your cervix forms a thick mucus plug that blocks the entrance to your uterus and protects you from harmful bacteria.   During your fertile days the composition of your uterus lining is different. As a result sperm cells can reach your fallopian tubes more quickly.  You may notice that your vaginal discharge is somewhat watery and threadlike instead of the thicker creamy white discharge you usually experience.