For the birth to go as well as possible, you will need a few things. At 37 weeks you are full term and ready to give birth under the care of a midwife. We recommend that you have all the essentials ready at this time. It is also very helpful if your house can be easily found at night by means of outdoor lighting or plenty of light coming from a window. Many house numbers are difficult to see in the dark. If your house cannot be found easily, please provide us with extra instructions by giving clear directions or a map.

What to pack for the birth

What to include in the hospital bag

  • Your pregnancy file
  • Clothing for the baby (2x baby clothes size 50, 2x body suit, 2x hat, 2x socks)
  • Clean clothing for yourself, two T-shirts, a vest (optional) and shirt with long sleeves. You can still use your maternity clothes. Thick socks can also be beneficial during the birth.
  • Sources of quick energy such as Dextro Energy and breakfast cereal bars etc)
  • Clothes for your partner, in case of a medical birth it is sometimes neccesary for mother and child to stay overnight, in some hospitals the partner can also stay with them.
  • Pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers
  • Toiletries, lip balm
  • Reading material, music
  • Hospital registration details and insurance documents
  • Phone numbers
  • Camera (remember to bring batteries/charger)
  • For the journey home: baby car seat, jacket for the baby and baby blanket or cover for in the baby car seat.

Giving birth at home

  • The height of your bed should be at least 70 cm (27 ½ inches). This can be achieved with using bed risers; which are for loan from the thuiszorgwinkel.
  • Your bed needs to have a waterproof cover on the mattress.
  • A delivery room which can be heated sufficiently and has plenty of lighting. One stair is the maximum to reach the delivery room.
  • We need to be able to stand at the right side of your bed.
  • It is advisable to have a hospital bag ready, just in case.
  • Have 2 bin liners available.
  • Have 2 empty and clean buckets available.
  • A bedpan or commode chair, which are for loan from the thuiszorgwinkel.

To be as comfortable as possible, the following items may come in handy

  • Extra pillows
  • Hot water bottle / hot pack
  • Sports (water) bottle or straws
  • Stool to use in the shower

Essentials for your baby

  • Digital thermometer (not an ear thermometer)
  • 2 metal baby hot water bottles
  • 12 hydrophilic diapers
  • Flannel cloths
  • Baby blanket
  • Clothing: bodysuits, shirts, trousers, socks (size 50-56)
  • (Disposable) diapers
  • 2 hats
  • Bed and bedding, to include cotton blankets
  • Changing mat 

Various lists will still mention umbilical plasters. In practice you will not need these anymore.

Maternity Package for the Maternity Week

  • Mattress protector
  • 6 maternity bed mats
  • 1 umbilical clamp
  • 1 bottle alcohol 70%
  • 2 packs of sterile gauze
  • 5 to 10 pcs gauze of 10 x 10 cm
  • 1 pack cotton wool
  • Sanitary pads (large size)
  • Soap dispenser