Our midwives

Maret Mertens

Mieke Vink

Verine Slippens

Marloes Noppers

Marlot Pluimers

Maret founded the midwifery practice Utrecht-Oost in 1990.
Mieke joined in 1998, Verine has been part of our team since 2005, followed by Marloes in 2013. With Marlot completing our team in 2018. As a team we have more then 75 years of experience between us at midwifery practice Utrecht | Oost!


Nina Köneke

Anja van Dongen

Nina and Anja admin support during our consultation hours at the Bloemstraat. In addition they will take your call during our telephone consultation hours. In case of a medical query, she will request a call back from one of our midwives.

Substitute midwife

Janniek Burger

Rose Hilhorst
