Verloskundigenpraktijk Utrecht | Oost works together with the three large hospitals in the region: Diakonessenhuis UtrechtSt Anthonius Geboortezorg in Utrecht and Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis in Utrecht.

Geboortehuis Utrecht

 A group of 13 midwifery practices from the region took the initiative in 2011 to open a birth house in the Diakonessenhuis: het Geboortehuis Utrecht.
The Geboortehuis Utrecht offers you the possibility of having a polyclinic birth at the hospital but in a comfortable and homey atmosphere. If you are fine to give birth at the Diakonessenhuis without a medical indication, then you will be having your baby under our supervision at the Geboortehuis.

From our practice, our colleagues Mieke and Verine are active in managing the Geboortehuis. 

Midwives Partnership

An efficient partnership is only possible through mutual consultation.
Verloskundigenpraktijk Utrecht | Oost is a member of a Midwifery Partnership (VSV) with the hospitals. At local partnerships midwives and gynaecologists meet in order to discuss for example the referral of clients or communicate general guidelines to the local situation. Pediatricians and maternity nurses also take part in this consultation.

All communication within the VSV’s ensures that the clients of Utrecht | Oost receive the best possible care.

Gynaecologist at the Bloemstraat

Since 2012 a gynaecologist at the Diakonessenhuis (dr. Boon), holds 1 consultation every 6 weeks at our Bloemstraat practice. This consultation is specifically meant for pregnant women with whom we need additional arrangements regarding their pregnancy or during the birth. We may recommend this consultation to you but should you feel yourself you would benefit, please indicate this during your check-up.

Eerstelijns Verloskundig Coöperatie

Our practice is a member of the Eerstelijns Verloskundig Coöperatie Midden Nederland (EVC). With seven midwifery practices in the region we combine our expertise. We make use of each other’s skills in order to improve the care we provide for pregnant women.  Together we form a strong representation of first class midwifery in the region. Devised in order to keep up with new developments, to initiate and keep providing the best possible care.